Greetings of peace and joy to you all in the Name of  Christ Jesus.

                 Once there was  a loving mother and a child. The child so loved her mother and the mother too. Since the boy was a little mentally retorted, no one plays with him and speak with him. He used to share all his sorrow to his mother. She took him in her arms and comforted him in her love and warmth. One day it so happened that his mother was affected with brain tumor. The disease was at the last stage and there is no hope of her existence. The boy came to see her  mother. Tears rolled from his eyes. After few days the mother died. All came to the hospital and were in tears. The boy’s cry for his mother was unstoppable. After she was buried and all went home. The boy went to his mother’s room and was weeping for her remembering all the love, comfort that his mother gave him. Suddenly he opened the drawer of his mother and surprisingly he found a paper folded in it. He opened and saw the following words, “ My dear son, I know that you love me so much and will be crying for me when I die. Because of your cry I know that you will be suffering from cold and fever as you read this paper now. So here are the tablets for your cold and fever.” After reading this the boy took the tablets and slept in tears.
             In this story we come to know one truth that the mother is the comforter of her child. Not only when she was alive but even after her death the mother was comforting her child. Yes it is true even with our Heavenly Mother. She always comforts her children and leads them to Her Son Jesus. 


          Mary, Our Mother, is really comforter of us all. Here I keep two reasons how Mary is the comforter.


          Mary always comforts her children and protects them from all corporeal afflictions. Here I give you an example for attesting this statement. 
Miracle: St. John of the Cross was born the year 1542. Once he was going to administer last sacrament to a sick man. As he was going  to administer the last sacrament, unfortunately he fell into a deep well. People came around the well and started weeping as if he was dead. St. John of the Cross was floating on the water and told them, “ Why do you weep, instead throw a rope into the well and I will come out.” They threw the rope and with that help he came up. All the people gathered around him and was looking at him astonishingly. He asked them why they were looking at him so surprisingly. Then they told, “Sir, no one who fell in this well, did not live. But you came out of it without much difficulty. What was the reason behind it.” He told them, “ Dear friends, as I fell into the well, a beautiful woman clothed in dazzling white garments caught me in Her arms. She brought me to the surface of the water and kept holding me so that I may not be drowned.” This example is a clear proof that Mary protects and comforts her children from all the corporeal afflictions. Hence she is known as comforter of our corporeal bodies.


Mary, Our Mother, is not only the comforter of our corporeal bodies but also the comforter of our spiritual souls. She comforts all her children who come to her by leading them to her son Jesus. She tells her children in all her apparitions to repent for the sins and offer sacrifices as acts of reparation for the conversion of sinners and for sins against her Immaculate Heart. She says that her son is still shedding blood because of our sins. She protects all her children by the recitation of rosary from all the occasions of mortal sins. Just as she protected St. John of the Cross from the well of water, so as she always protects and comforts us not get drowned in the shallow of sins. The Rope there is The Rosary here that brings us out from the well of darkness and sins. 
Yes dear friends, Mary, our Mother is really the comforter of the afflicted both corporeal and spiritual. Let us always pray the rosary and seek her protection and comfort in all our afflictions. Amen.

Written by 
Bro. Rajendra

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