Dear friends, the months of May and October are dedicated to the devotion of Our Lady of Rosary. Rosary is the key prayer that helps each one of us to relate with our heavenly mother. We all recite the beautiful prayer “ Hail Mary” during the rosary. Sometimes it looks like repetition of same words . It becomes very monotonous for all of us repeating the same prayer nearly 53 times. So my dear friends, among many reasons here I tell you one reason what happens at the repetition of the prayer Hail Mary.
Presence of Mary at our Side
We see the presence of Mary at the wedding of Cana( Jn 2:1). Her presence made her son to perform the first miracle. Her presence at St. Elizabeth’s house helped her during her pangs of birth ( Lk 1: 39-40, 56). Her presence at the foot of the cross made her to be our mother( Jn 19: 27). Her presence with the disciples on the day of Pentecost made them united.
So as dear friends when we pray “ Hail Mary” it is 100% sure of Mary’s presence at our side. She prays along with us kneeling and weeping for us to the Father. Her presence will bring us sweetness in our lives and miracles in our lives.
Here I would like to compare the presence of Mary with one of the episodes in the exodus event in the old testament ( Ex 15: 22-26). When the people of Isralites crossed the Red sea they came to a place called “ Marrah” means bitterness. Here the drank water from a pond and the water was bitter so the place as called Marrah. When they came to Moses asking for water, on the command of God, Moses told them to throw in it a log and the water became sweet. So as in our lives of bitterness, difficulties, ill-health, financial crisis, unemployment, difficult situations, let us put in it the Log called Rosary and you will see the bitterness turned into sweet waters.
Once there was a Hindu girl studying in a catholic boarding. Later she got married and were leading a beautiful life. After few years of married life, her husband became sick and was suffering from a disease called brain tumor. The doctors told that he needed to be operated for this and there were less chances of success in his condition. After a week she took him to the hospital for the surgery. The doctors tested and were astonished about the results. They could not find the symptoms of brain tumor in him. They told her and she was happy of the result. The doctors asked her what happened during the week. She said, sir, I saw the statue of Mother Mary in your hospital and I remembered the words of a nun in my boarding, “ recite hail mary and you will see miracle”. All through the week I was kneeling and praying this only payer that I remember “ Hail Mary”. As I was reciting the prayer for my husband I found the presence of Mary with me kneeling and praying along with me.
Yes dear friends there are many miracles happening at the recitation of rosary. So let us all recite and receive Mary’s blessings in our lives.
Written by
Bro. Rajendra