Greetings of peace and joy on the Name of Christ Jesus.

Dear friends, beautiful are the words in the prayer of St. Bernard to Our Lady,
 “Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, and sought thy intercession, was left unaided.” 
Yes it is really true in every one of our lives. Each one of us would have experienced the powerful meadiatrix of our Mother, Mary. Her mediatrix will never fail. Sure are the graces we will receive from Her mediatrix. Simple example from our daily life. Normally, in every family mother resembles a loving figure. Whereas father resembles disciplining figure, filled with responsibilities and goals for his family progress. Often every child in a family goes to his/her mother for any favor that they want from the father. They are 100% sure that the mediatrix of his/her mother will never fail. Same is the case with our Heavenly Mother. Her mediatrix is very powerful and it never fails.


Here I would like to give three fruits that we receive from the power of Her mediatrix.
1. Her mediatrix brings Victory.
2. Her mediatrix brings Joy.
3. Her mediatrix brings Repentance. 

1. Her Mediatrix brings Victory

In the 16th centuary, the Muslims began to wage war against the countries of the Europe continent. In the early years no one could prevail over them. So they became so outrageous and began to capture the countries. Later they came to capture the capital city of Austria, Vienna. If this was captured major part of the Europe was captured. The capital city had no powerful army. Seeing the cruelty and the victory of the Muslims, people began to fear. Every corner of the city was filled with the smoke of bombs and fire. The king of Vienna was terrified and left the country. People of Vienna beseeched the mediatrix of Mary and in very soon the firing came to an end. But the enemies did not move. On Sep 8th, the feast of the nativity of Mary, people interceded Mary to help them to come out of the clutches of Muslims. Then miraculously the king of Poland came to their rescue against the Muslims. Seeing this, people with great joy participated in the Holy Mass and the king himself served as an altar boy in the Mass. They all said, “ Through Her mediatrix we have victory.” And victoriously they won the war. Muslims fled from them and as they were crossing a river they were floated away by the streams of the river.
Yes my dear friends Her intercession will bring us victory. Not only from physical wars and disturbances but also from all kinds of spiritual wars that we face in our day to day lives.

2. Her Mediatrix brings Joy

Mary’s presence and intercession brings joy and happiness. When she came to St. Elizabeth after the Annunciation, she greeted her with the words of the angel. And Elizabeth replied,
 “ Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb! And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy….”( Lk 1: 42-44).
 Secondly her mediatrix in the wedding at Cana brought joy to the family and to all who attended for the wedding ( Jn 2:9-10). Hence it is rightly said, She is the Cause of our Joy.

3. Her Mediatrix brings Repentance

It is true that her mediatrix helps every sinner to repent for his/her own sins. This can be proved from the following incident from the life of St Andrew Corsini. Before he was born, his parents offered him to the service of the Lord. But his life style was completely different. He led a sinful life. Joined with bad company of the youngsters he spent his life in stealing, eating and drinking. After instructing him all the ways possible his father left him saying that he could not turn him from the evil ways. But his mother sought the intercession of Mary and tirelessly prayed for his repentance. One day he was going out as usual to enjoy his life. As he was moving about, he saw his mother weeping at the door. He asked her mother why she was weeping. She told, “ My son, when you were in my womb I had a dream. In that you were born as a wolf . The wolf grew in strength and was leading a sinful life. All were afraid of him. Once so it happened the wolf entered the church of Carmel and suddenly the wolf became a white sheep. And I woke up from the dream. On that day itself I went to the church of Our Lady and prayed, “ Dear Mother, I offer this child that I am going to give birth into your loving hands.” But now when I see you, my heart is torn in grief and sadness because of your way of life.” And she wept so bitterly hugging him tightly. Moved by the tears of his mother, he wept so bitterly and went to the Church and cried before the statue of Mary for his sins. Later he joined the Carmelite order and led his life without leaving the hand of Mary and became a great saint.
Yes my dear friends, mediatrix of our mother will never fail. As said above Her mediatrix brings us victory, joy and a good repentant heart. May our heavenly Mother be with us always and grant us the fruits of Her mediatrix to all her children. Amen.

Written by 
Bro. Rajendra

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