Greetings of joy and peace to you my dear friends in Christ Jesus.
Relationships play an important role in the lives of each and every person. In the anthropology, human being is studied as a relational being. Among many relations in the universe, the most important and self sacrificing relationship is the relationship of a mother and a child. The relationship between the mother and the child begins from the day of conceiving to the last day of their lives. So as the spiritual relationship between our heavenly mother and us started from the day of Mary’s yes to the Lord, confirmed at the calvary and continues to the end of the world. The relationship with Mary is strengthened by the daily recitation of the Most Holy Rosary. Here I would like to give you four fruits what we receive from the relationship of Mary.
Fruits of Having Relationship with Mary
Here I give four fruits of having relationship with Mary.
1. Mary becomes our Mother
Mary is given to us by Jesus to be our mother. Being a mother, she always keep her children safe and secure. She always lead her children in the path of her Son to the Lord. St Francis Xavier led his whole life in devotion to Mary. He offered all his pains and agonies to her loving care of motherhood. At the end of his life he said, “ Mary, You are my Mother and my Refuge.” St Theresa of Lisieux( at age12) after the death of her mother went to the statue of Mary and said, “ Hereafter you are my Mother, as my mother died, I take You, who art in heaven, as my Mother”. Mother Mary became their refuge and comforter in all their troubles. She made them walk in the footsteps of her son Jesus Christ.
2. Mary helps us not to fall into the Mortal Sins.
Mortals sins are those that make us unworthy to have the beatific vision of God. Human being is very weak and delicate. Often he falls in the pit of mortal sins. The relationship with Mary helps each one of us not to fall into mortal sins which results eternal death and damnation.For example St. Aloysius, throughout of his life, he never committed even one mortal sin because of his relationship with Mother Mary.
3. Protector from all dangers
Once there was a great threat to the king of Germany, Ferdinand III, in the year 1621. To come out all threats from the nearby enemies, he built a long pillar at the centre of the kingdom and established the statue on Mother Mary bruising the Satan at her feet. After establishing it the king found a great relaxation from the threats of his enemies. So as when we keep Mary in our hearts and recite the rosary, she not only protects us from physical dangers but also from all kinds of spiritual enemies and threats.
4. Peaceful Death
Once there was a king, who lived his whole life in love of Mary. In his kingdom every Saturday he called all the orphans and the poor and gave them a good lunch, serving them by his own hands. Having a beautiful relation with Mary he was given a peaceful death in accordance with his prayer.
So my dear friends, we receive these fruits when we have a relationship with Mary, Our Mother. This relation we have only through the rosary. So let us all recite the rosary and seek her blessings. Amen.
Written by
Bro. Rajendra